Friday, February 20, 2015

Plane Thoughts

37 of my thoughts as a first time flyer going from Boston to Denver. Enjoy.

-          Sweet! A window seat.
-          I should have put my bag up there, huh?
-          This leg room though.
-          For once it’s a good thing I’m short.
-          Please don’t try to make conversation with me.
-          Or do, that’s cool too.
-          Golly gee, this safety video is instilling so much confidence in me right now.
-          Let’s face it, if this plane goes down we’re screwed.
-          We are going surprisingly slow.
-          Just kidding.
-          Holy crap! I’m on a plane right now.
-          Okay, let’s pretend I’m chewing gum because that’s supposed to help.
-          Wow, my mouth is getting tired.
-          Maybe I started too early.
-          Everyone who warned me about this lied.
-          I should probably take some pictures.
-          I’m too lazy for that.
-          But what is this guy even reading?
-          Oh great, he is looking at me. Don’t make eye contact, or he’ll start asking you questions again.
-          Just keep looking out the window.
-          Gee Willikers, these clouds are looking particularly fluffy today.
-          Definitely should have eaten more than just that granola bar.
-          I could sure use me an ice cold beverage.
-          Wait, you have to pay?
-          Maybe not?
-          Oh well, let’s just sit here quietly.
-          Why can’t this guy talk to the other woman next to him?
-          I thought Colorado was supposed to be snowy.
-          Wow, it looks like there is nothing out here.
-          It takes 30 minutes to descend?
-          I guess that’s reasonable.
-          So that landing was smoother than I had anticipated
-          Oh hey, we are here early.
-          I have exactly 5 minutes before I board my next flight, joy.
-          Power walking like a pro.
-          I made it!

-          Get ready L.A. here I come.


  1. Guess you had a lot going through your mind haha. The clouds do look different when you are above them.

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