Monday, January 4, 2016

To Laurel

Hey, girl!

How you doin'? Is you good? Is you fine?

Just kidding, I already know you are fine, because you are already way better than me about updating people on what you are doing and your current whereabouts. So right now, you just got to Japan, and I just came back to school, and it feels a little strange to be here alone. But I had some wifi guys come in here today, and I would have had my first class today if the teacher had come to class, but it's all good. I have three more weeks here before all those crazy college kids come back, and that's plenty of time to sulk in my own loneliness, while I silently go insane with no one to comfort my poor soul. I guess it's good I'm not prone to loneliness, right? I hope.

BUT anyway..

I don't quite remember what I said in the note from the journal Jordan gave you, but I planned on writing you a nice long letter in some form, and I thought, why not right here?

So here we go,

Obviously, I am incredibly proud of you for going to Japan. And I don't mean to sound like a parent, but no joke, I am proud. I just can't freaking wait to hear your stories about all the different things you are going to encounter. New Zealand is one thing, but Japan has an entirely different culture, language, and way of life and I am happy you are getting to experience it. I bet you are really glad you didn't get that RA position now, because I was definitely secretly happy about it (shh, don't tell Laurel... wait, what?). I really wanted you to chase your dream, and obviously I wanted to be supportive of you getting that position too, but it was for another reason.

I was rooting for you to get that job, because I wanted you to believe in yourself. Sometimes (and we all do), you just don't think you are good enough. And whenever you say that to me, I think it's absurd. It makes me want to laugh, because it sounds so ridiculous to me. As humans (that's what we are in case you didn't know), we put these thoughts in our heads, and you know what the best part is? No one even has to put the words there, we put them there ourselves. As if everyone around us gets what they want, and has their ish together. No. That is not the case. Everyone has their walls up, or their barbed wire electric fences in some extreme cases, and that is because we all want to look like we know what's going on, but we don't. Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone falls. You fall seven times? Stand up eight, cuz ain't nobody got time to be all sad over nothin'. This goes for the case of you not getting that job, not getting the grade you wanted, and especially for anytime you feel bad about yourself in any way or when you don't know how to say something in Japanese. Just remember: you are learning, and learning takes time. Every time you mess up is an opportunity to understand what you are doing wrong, reflect on it, move on, and kill it in the next situation. Strength isn't just succeeding the first time you attempt something, strength is when you struggle (and you may struggle hard), but you come out the other end with your head held high, a pocket full of experience, and wisdom to guide you in the future. Now can I get an Amen? No? Well, okay then.

Nextly, and we are going to pretend that is a word, don't you correct me, Laurel. I lost my train of thought... Oh yeah! We've had this conversation many times, but I love to reiterate myself because I think you need to hear it, and that is: don't sell yourself short (but that would be kind of hard, because you are above average. And no, that is not a fat joke). Remember: "You is good, you is kind, you is important" (do you quote the author or the character that says it?). I still have yet to see that movie, but it don't matter, because the quote still applies.

And if a situation arises and you are ever feeling sad/lonely/homesick or need a virtual shoulder to cry on you can call me, beep me, if you want to reach me (along with any other friend or family member for that matter). We are only just a skype call or Facebook message away (thank god for technology, amirite?)... Or maybe you will become too busy and begin to replace each of us one by one with your cool new Japanese friends, or maybe you'll join and replace a J-Pop superstar in a famous duo because you are actually a doppelganger, or maybe you'll be taken and sold as a sex slave and then your dad has to come and rescue you, because he is one bad a** motherf*cker with no rules.

I am getting carried away. It must be that reduced fat peanut butter you gave me. Hmm, I let my brain get scattered and now I do not contain the right amount of sentiment in order to write this letter to the sufficient degree of sappiness I wanted to achieve.

Just know, whatever happens, happens. If it can't be changed, accept it and move on. If it can, you just gotta keep on chugging along and doing you, and that's where happiness will find you... even though it was there all along. And I know that you already know these things, but it's here to serve as a reminder just in case you forget. I just hope you don't get very homesick, and you end up getting to travel around, try new things, and live it up in Fukuoka with your new host fam.

Well, that is all for today, but before I go I will leave with you this roommate tag video we filmed months ago.


(Just ignore the glitches that happen during the majority of the jump cuts. Mind you, I downloaded this other program since movie maker isn't on windows 10, and I edited the whole video just to find out that I couldn't export it in any way, and I tried my darnedest to find a program to record my desktop while I played the video, and then couldn't get anything to work. Soooo, I resorted to recording the video on my camera, and then uploading that to my computer, blah, blah blah. So this is the result of that, because I was way too stubborn to sit there and re-edit it by downloading movie maker. Wasn't happening. Also it goes black and white randomly, but it was supposed to be at a different part, and it all got messed up. And on the end and title screen it was supposed to be black with white writing, but the screen reflected what was in front of it, so if you can make it out, that is indeed my camera stacked on the recycling bin and your desk drawer. Then I had to re-record the video twice because I was in the reflection at one point, then another time when some guy blew an air horn. To top it off, I had to upload to youtube because the file was too big for blogger to handle. The struggle was hella real.)